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How to give


There are many needs at RHS that we would like to cover and your generous donation could help a kid meet basic necessities such as toiletries, clothing, and even food.  Consider the RSC in your giving budget. THANK YOU!

Easy Money

We could raise thousands to support our Clothing Closet, Student Leadership, Teachers requests and best of all, it costs you nothing! Enroll your Fred Meyer Card (Group TP060)  or your Amazon Smile and select Roosevelt Supporter Club as your charity.

Rev Share

Do you have a restaurant / bar / venue and would like to participate in our monthly revenue share night?  Let us know as we are always looking for new local venues that we can pack full of RHS families for dinner and to meet new friends or reconnect with old ones.

Wish List

Help support the RHS Clothing Closet by adding an item or two from the RHS Clothing Closet Wish List to your next Amazon order. The items listed will be updated seasonally but some items are needed year-round. 

RHS Merch

Help us raise funds by purchasing some great RHS gear online, at an event on campus or at the St. Johns Ace store! It's a great way to show your colors and support our school. Go Riders!


Does your company match donations? If so, be sure to apply for a matching contribution when you donate to the Roosevelt Supporter Club!

© 2024 Roosevelt Supporter Club


4784 N LOMBARD Ste B PMB 104 Portland OR 97203

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