History of Phase IV
In 2016, the PPS School Board passed a resolution allocating $5 million to build an additional 10,000 square feet of CTE and STEM space at Roosevelt. This project is commonly referred to as Phase IV. An in depth look at the struggle to get this space constructed can be found here. Additional information is detailed below.
PPS Board: Keep Your Promise!
How Can You Help?
Please take a few minutes to email the school board. We created emails that you can send quickly or modify to your liking, in your own words. The board emails are:
Entire Board: schoolboard@pps.net
Rita Moore: rmoore5@pps.net (RHS Board Rep)
Amy Kohnstamm: akohnstamm@pps.net (Board Chair)
Julia Brim-Edwards: jbrim-edwards@pps.net (Vice Chair)
Andrew Scott: anscott@pps.net
Scott Bailey: sbailey@pps.net
Michelle DePass: mdepass@pps.net
Eilidh Lowery: elowery@pps.net

Advocacy efforts made by parents and community members were highlighted in a recent article in Willamette Week.